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Statistics Relating to Concluded & Pending Appeals (January 2023-April 2023)

gazet rti 2002 42 E jan


Recent Decisions in Appeal (2024)

Cases filed in the Magistrate Court under Section 39 of the Right to Information Act No. 12 of 2016


Official Email Addresses of the RTI Commission to be used by Appellants & Public Authorities

Important Decisions in Appeal (2023)

Release of Information in Public Interest Appeals/Substantive Documents (SELECTED)

Important Decisions in Appeal (2022)

Ongoing In-Person Hearings

Other Publications on the RTI Act & RTI Regme

gazet rti 2002 42 E janSri-Lanka's-Right-to-Information-regime-and-the-UNSDGs-Thoughts-for-Reflection-(English)

gazet rti 2002 42 E janA-Practitioner’s-Guide-to-Orders-of-the Right-to-Information-Commission-of-sri-Lanka-2017-2021-(English)

gazet rti 2002 42 E janLegal-Commentaries-to-Selected-orders-of-the-Right-to-Information-commission-of-Sri-Lanka-2019-2021-(English)